Imagine two people talking passionately in their mother tongue without understanding each other. This is what my mom calls a dialogue of the deaf. The scenario is ironic because conversations about the importance of communication in a relationship are unlikely to end anytime soon, especially when it comes to your partner's love language. Even the best matched couples run into problems if they don't communicate properly. After all, language exists for a reason.

Yet despite our understanding of the importance of communication, too many of us fail to communicate properly in our relationships. It gets funnier (and sometimes sadder) when it comes to talking about your partner's love language and affection in a romantic relationship.

The Five Love Languages Include;

  1. Act of service 
  2. Words of Affirmation 
  3. Quality Time
  4. Gifts
  5. Physical Touch 

Knowing how often this happens, I decided to make a short list of awkward scenes that occur when two lovers speak different love languages, this can also help you to learn how to know your partner's love language and help you communicate with your partner effectively. 

Act of Service vs Quality Time. 

Just 30 minutes after you sit down, you hear your partner say things like, "Am I disturbing you?" "You can't even help me. You're just going to come and sit here for hours!" Think about it, you get tired because you've been cooking and cleaning and all he wants is Quality time. Makes you want to tear up right? 

Gifts vs Quality Time. 

You go broke buying a thoughtful gift for your partner, but all he/she wants is for you both to spend time together, they might not really say it and they will be glad you bought a gift for them but the next day they are acting up. Wahala.

Gifts vs Physical Touch. 

You may be wondering why your partner is trying to buy you things when all you need is someone to hug you. On the other hand, your partner may wonder why you lean towards a lot of body contact when he is ready to pay your trip around the world. Frustrating!

Physical Touch vs Words of Affirmation. 

"You only want me for my body. You don't love me." "You say you love me, but you don't show affection." Scenes and Comments when an affirmer meets a toucher. Sad!

Words of Affirmation vs Gifts. 

Ever heard the phrase ‘na love I go chop?’ Especially when you are big on verbally sharing how you feel. The frustration is real when one party wants sweet words and the other just wants tangible tokens of affection.

These scenarios may be funny to observers, but they demonstrate the importance of communication in relationships. If you can relate to any of them, you must know that It's important to find out where the other person is coming from, what speaks to them most and then find a way to reach a middle ground, that way your love tanks won't go empty and you won't run the risk of feeling unloved and emotionally drained. 

Now please tell us what is your love language?

To know more about Love Language, you can check out the book "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman.