By Esther Nwachukwu 

Convener,  POSH Ladies Academy 

I was on transit from Port Harcourt to Enugu when I engaged in a discussion with the lady beside me. She's a 100 level student of ESUT who was traveling back to school from home. After a while we had started conversing,  she began to loosen up with me and asked me if I stay in PH. I answered in the negative and she exclaimed, "No wonder!".

I was surprised and asked her why she made such exclamation,  with a smile on my face. She said that PH people can never talk to you while on transit. That they always feel so important to talk to anyone around them. I asked her, "WHAT IF I'M DIFFERENT? " She said "NO! You can't be any different". We chatted for a while until she alighted.

I pondered on what she said and knew that there was a truth in it. I remember when I just entered the University and everyone used to disbelieve me when I tell them  that I went to a Federal school. They always say that I don't behave like them. Hian!  I used to wonder what they meant by that.

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People always have a particular behavior they identify with a certain group of people.  Sometimes,  I wonder if those behaviors are based on what the individuals portray or just perception. Well,  I'm not here to state which is the reason, but to remind you that you can be positively DIFFERENT. You can be different from what they think of your environment.

Being different doesn't just fall from heaven like an anointing. It's brought about through progressively working on yourself. The whole work begins from your mind, first. Reprogram your mind through what you expose your eyes and ears to. Read life-transforming books. Watch good and inspiring videos. Listen to good talks. Associate with the right people,  and people who used to know you and your background before will exclaim "YOU ARE DIFFERENT!"

It's a New month of Great Opportunities.
Decide to take advantage of them in your different way.
Happy August!